free list 空闲列表 ; 可用块列表 ; 海关免税品单
a free list 免税商品表
chunk free-list page 块可用列表页
customs free list [税收] 海关免税商品目录
Duty Free List 税收豁免商品目录
free list groups 经典的比喻
free list interview 自由列举访谈
free area list [计] 自由区表
free space list 自由空间表
duty free quota list 免税限额表
AIX 7 USES all available memory, except memory that is configured to be unallocated and known as the free list.
AIX 7使用所有可用的内存,除了那些配置为未分配并用作空闲列表的内存之外。
AIX USES all available memory, except that which is configured to be unallocated and known as the free list.
First, we significantly improved the way the runtime manages the free list, thereby making more effective use of fragments.