... 能面比降 energy slope 自由能面 free energy surface 磁推斥 magnetic repulsion; magneticrepulsion ...
surface free energy 表面自由能 ; 外貌自由能 ; 自由能 ; 面自由能
free surface energy 自由表面能 ; 表面自由能
lower-surface-free-energy surface 低表面能表面
low surface free energy 低表面自由能
fold surface free energy 折叠表面自由能
surface free energy component 表面自由能成分
One is to create a rough structure on a hydrophobic surface, and the other is to modify a rough surface by materials with low surface free energy.
The results show that the surface free energy and gluing strength of poplar increase with the dose of cellulase and hemicellulase rising.
This paper studies the influence of free energy on the surface of air coolers on the forms of condensation or frostiness and the performance of air coolers, through theory and experiments.