自由曲面特征(free Form Feature)自由曲面特征是通过uG软件的“自由曲面特征”创建和编辑功能所创建的特征的总和,针对不同的外观和功能需求可以利用“自由曲面特...
Edit Free Form Feature 编辑自由特征 ; 编辑曲面特征 ; 编纂自由特征 ; 常用的编辑工具
Free Form Feature Modeling 以及自由形式特征建模
Create Free Form Feature 建构造型特征
UG Free Form Feature 自由曲面
free-form feature 自由曲面
Free Form Feature Toolbar 自由形式特征工具条
Editing Free Form Feature 编辑自由曲面特征
Edit Free Form Feature Toolbar 编辑自由形式特征工具条
free form surface feature 自由曲面特征
According to the feature of contacting measurement, the dissertation first puts forward the twice-sampling planning method for free-form surface in order to improve measuring efficiency.
Lastly, feature recognition is implemented automatically according to the sequence of regular surfaces, swept surfaces and free-form surfaces.
Based on the feature domain of Data Clouds obtained in the former chapter, this chapter gets its feature points. Finally free-form curves interpolated through these feature points are produced.