) 、弗利尔(Freer)、范德堡(Vanderbilt)和瑞典国王古斯塔夫六世(Gustaf VI)在内的许多名人都曾受到他的影响,并随之引发了相当规模的私人收藏热...
Charles Lang Freer 弗瑞尔 ; 弗里尔
Freer Gallery 弗利尔艺术馆 ; 弗利尔美术馆 ; 弗利尔
The Freer Gallery of Art 弗利尔美术馆 ; 弗瑞尔美术馆 ; 弗里尔美术馆 ; 佛利尔艺术馆
freer practice 更自由的实践 ; 自由练习
Luanne Freer 弗里尔
Charles Freer 佛里尔
Freer Art Gallery 尔美术馆 ; 对弗利尔美术馆 ; 佛利尔博物馆
Freer and Sackler Galleries 美术馆和萨克勒美术馆 ; 弗瑞尔艺廊 ; 弗利尔和沙可乐美术馆
Eventually swimming became freer.
Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, more experimental, more improvisational.
Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be.
But he later broke away from this neoclassical sound to create a freer and more expressive modernist sound.
VOA: special.2010.07.12
While banks in the United States have historically been subject to robust government regulation, non-bank financial firms have been allowed to operate with a freer hand.
VOA: standard.2009.10.01
But it does provide an opening. The estimated 1.5 million Americans with family in Cuba will now be freer to visit and send financial help to their relatives.
VOA: standard.2009.04.13