bastard freestone 劣质毛石
Robin Freestone 弗里斯通 ; 财务长弗雷斯通
freestone peach 离核桃 ; 无核桃
freestone pear 无籽梨
freestone water 无溶水
freestone type 离核型
以上来源于: WordNet
N any fine-grained stone, esp sandstone or limestone, that can be cut and worked in any direction without breaking 易切砂岩
N (as modifier) 砂岩的
a freestone house
There were higher mean sucrose and total sugar in semi-freestone peach.
Mean malate, citrate and total acid content were significantly higher in freestone peach than in semi-freestone and clingstone peaches.
It is expressly designed to automatically feed and align both freestone and clingstone peaches at a maximum rate of 320 fruits per minute.