...怡婷罗珮瑜吴静芳谢知涓黄郁庭李腕珊萨克斯风(Saxophone):胡庭瑀林季萱赖欣颍陈鑫殷育灵李苡瑄张庭绮尤昭咏法国号(French Horn):陈思庭胡尤雅邱寗尹陈纬微张慈庭洪诗涵郭昱伶谢妙淇苏珉慧陈姵孜小号(Trumpet):林品瑜陈映璇林意雯林哲群蔡承旻吴静怡何佳勋张...
...,而对其它乐器的演奏的需求较大,如小提琴,各种管乐,如黑管、双簧管、长笛等,特别是各种大型乐器,如French Horn (法国圆号),低音提琴等,由于乐器较大,学的人较少,中学的乐队尤其比较缺这方面的演奏者。
French cuisine 法国菜 ; 法国烹饪 ; 法国美食 French Horn 法国号 ; 圆号 ; 法国圆号 ; 乐器名称圆号 French roll 小型法式面包 ; 法式小面包 ; 单面印刷卷筒纸 ; 小型法度面包 ..
double french horn 圆号 ; 转调法国号
French Horn Mute 加弱音器的园号
French Horn Stop 用手加弱音的园号
French Horn Solo 独奏法国号
Marching French Horn 行进圆号
Solo French Horn 法国号独奏
The French Horn 法国圆号酒店
Green Man & French Horn 法国号酒吧
N-VAR A French horn is a musical instrument of the brass family. It is shaped like a long metal tube with one wide end, wound around in a circle. You play the French horn by blowing into it and moving valves in order to obtain different notes. 法国号 [oft 'the' N]
Eva is going to just demonstrate the physical process of playing the French horn.
They can push down the thirteenth partial and bring up the fifteenth and thereby change the sound of a clarinet into a French horn.
He played the French horn in an orchestra.