Some recommend the French In Action series of videos, which has the bonus of helping to improve listening abilities.
有人推荐French In Action系列光盘,可以帮助提高听力。
While my American and London friends have given up cigarettes and vacations, and some of them are losing their homes and jobs, I watch the French in action.
Two days earlier, French commandos had also been in action. They freed four of their compatriots, including a three-year-old boy, held hostage aboard a yacht, the Tanit (pictured above).
两天之前,法国突击队也采取行动,解救「迦太基月神号」(Tanit 如图)上被当作人质的四位法国同胞,包含一个三岁小男孩,不过一位人质Florent Lemaçon已遭枪杀。