from souvenirs to souvenirs
... lieft my heart in san fran思科 我的心遗落在三藩市 from souvenirs to souvenirs 回忆 l’oiseau et l’enfant 很小的鸟与孩童 ...
... Penelope 爱琴海的珍珠 From Souvenirs To Souvenirs 相思绵绵 Petite Femme 可爱的女人 ...
... Sing an ode to love 爱之颂歌 From souvenirs to souvenirs 从纪念品到纪念品 Lovely lady of arcadia 阿坎迪亚的可爱姑娘 ...
from souvenirs to souvenirs
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That means New Jersey must compete with the brighter lights of New York for the dollars that attendees will shell out for everything from restaurant meals to theater tickets to souvenirs.
WSJ: The Game Before the Super Bowl
He urges his patients not to touch, handle, or eat the animals, and to steer clear of souvenirs made from armadillo carcasses, which are popular in Texas.
CNN: Armadillos linked to leprosy in humans
Past matryoshka doll stalls, you will find many original Ukrainian souvenirs to take home, from maces - the symbol of power of Ukrainian military rulers - to hand-embroidered towels and shirts.
BBC: Weekend in Kiev