... 体验韩国文化,感受欧洲设计潮流 韩,法,意游学团 Study Tour Highlights: South Korea, France and Italy 编者的话 From the Editor 目录 Contents ...
A Letter from the Editor 从读者来信 ; 编辑的一封信 ; 编辑器中的一封信
Letter from the Editor-in-Chief 卷首
From The Magazine Editor 诸杂志编辑
Note from the Chief Editor 主编写的字条
You can invoke this refactoring from the editor.
Yes, the tech tree and upgrade system will be fully configurable from the editor.
Back came a cool letter from the editor that at least elicited Martin's admiration.
The editor,James Franklin, was arrested and barred from publishing the paper.
VOA: special.2009.04.20
A particularly puritanical editor of Plato from the twentieth century writes in a footnote to that passage, "this is almost the only passage in Plato " that one would wish to blot out," his sensibilities were offended by this notion.