以上来源于: WordNet
But Baosteel is understood to be the frontrunner.
Amazon AWS is the frontrunner in providing cloud infrastructure with the largest breadth of products and most mature offerings in IaaS.
Amazon AWS是云基础设施的领跑者,它在IaaS上拥有最多的产品和最成熟的供给。
Emile Hirsch’s stellar turn as a bent soul on a journey in Into The Wild makes him the frontrunner for Apocalypse Now‘s main character.
埃米尔•赫斯基(Emile Hirsch)在《荒野生存》里凭借出演一个旅途中一往无前的灵魂而华丽转身,也使其成为《现代启示录》主角竞争的领跑者。