fuel con sumption 燃料消耗率
HEV electric system may limit the working area of the engine to reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions.
参考来源 - 充电式混合动力客车动力总成设计与研究The results of fuel economy simulation of a mild HEV at NEDC cycle shows that the decrease of fuel consumption is remarkable compared to the conventional vehicle.
参考来源 - 并联型混合动力汽车能量管理策略研究To make full use of the auto-power and economy,the characteristics of the air intake and fuel consumption for gasoline engine’s excess air ratio have been studied which are in the fixed load and speed.
参考来源 - 汽油机过量空气系数的参数特性试验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress