full load operation 满负荷操作; 满负荷运转; 满载运行 收藏 operation scheduling 手术排程; 运用; 运用计划; 操作票; 操作调度; 算子调度; 作业排程 收藏 .
... full load line 满载吃水线; 满载水线 full load operation 满负荷操作 full load power 全负荷功率 ...
trial full load operation 满负荷试运行
full load operation pressure 满荷下运行压力
priority full load operation 优先满载运行
Full load Normal operation 正常工作 ; 满载
operation at full load 满负荷运行
We should gradually increase the pressure of the compressor and step into the full load operation.
Rotary compressor is most suitable for close to full load operation conditions of the compressor compressed air system.
The new car in the running in period is often full load operation, the load is too heavy, will cause the engine and gearbox load increase.