Functional Properties 功能性质 ; 功能特性 ; 功能性 ; 函数属性
Inverse Functional Properties 反向功能关联 ; 反函数属性
Mechanical and functional properties 机械和功能特性 ; 机械和功能性能
Functional Properties of Protein 蛋白质的功能性质
Functional properties of chito-oligosaccharides 夏文水
The Functional Properties 功能特性
non-functional properties 非功能性属性
some functional properties 某些功能特性
protein functional properties 蛋白功能特性的
Functional properties of proteins can be improved by mallard reaction.
Soybean protein are extensively used for processed food and traditional Chinese foods because of their functional properties and high nutritional value.
This paper introduced the classification and characteristics of soybean protein, and the application situation, functional properties, nutrition and health function in baking food.