近日,大批满怀希望的Web开发者参加了在迈阿密海滩举行的Future of Web Apps(网络应用的未来)大会,在这里他们得到了来自世界各地的老一辈成功者的意见和建议,其中有一些技巧乍看上去似乎有悖常理。
Yet what it does is something that no other Twitter apps have done before: it gives us hope for the future of the social web.
It's a future in which the only apps that will need to be native will be those that work with device APIs that aren't part of existing web standards — in other words, the edge cases.
Steve Jobs thought web apps were the future too, in 2008 when he announced that the iPhone would have plenty of apps -- all of them available through the browser.
乔布斯也认为未来属于网络应用程序。 2008年,他宣布iPhone将拥有大量应用程序——所有都可以在浏览器上运行。