general fuzzy evaluating method 模糊综合评价模型
fuzzy synthesis evaluating method 模糊综合评判法
fuzzy integration evaluating method 模糊综合评价法
fuzzy-synthesizing evaluating method 模糊综合评价法
fuzzy synthesizing evaluating method 模糊综合评价
fuzzy comprehensive evaluating method 模糊综合评判方法
fuzzy synthetically evaluating method 模糊综合评价法
the fuzzy comprehensive evaluating method 模糊综合评判
fuzzy method of evaluating 模糊综合评判
The paper puts forward a fuzzy evaluating method for the comprehensive factors of logistics centre location.
Further more, the fuzzy evaluating method is combined in this developed method to consider comprehensive factors of logistics center location.
Putting forward the multi-index fuzzy evaluating method on the base of comparing previous methods, reducing randomicity and man-made influence in the course of the decision.