G banding G显带 ; g带
G-banding technique G带技术 ; g显带技术
G-banding & FISH 综合征
g banding pattern G显带法
G banding idiogram G带模式图
chromosome g banding 染色体g带
chromosomal g-banding 染色体g显带
chromosome G banding analysis 染色体G带分析
以上来源于: WordNet
Objective: Discuss the procedure and the value of G-banding, FISH and CGH used in prenatal diagnosis.
目的:探讨g -显带、FISH、CGH技术在产前诊断中的应用程序及意义。
Chromosome G-banding patterns of two inbred lines Jing 7 and Hua 5 and their hy-bred F_1 are studied comparatively.
对玉米两个自交系京7和华5及其杂交F_1的染色体g -带带型进行了比较研究。
The methods of analysis of the chromosome aberrations mainly include routine staining method, G-banding method and FISH technique.