26、gains and losses 得与失。 Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision. 在你做出决定之前,一定要好好想想得与失。
这个公式有几个要害的特性起首,效用是路程经过过程 损益 ( gains and losses )而不是终极的财富状况(final wealth positions)来界说的这种思惟最初是由马克owitz提出的(1952)这种界说要领与许多人在同样平常...
Capital Gains and Losses 资本的收益与损失 ; 资本盈余和亏损 ; 资本损益 ; 资本的利得与损失
personal gains and losses 个人得失
Other gains and losses 其它收益和亏损
Exchange gains and losses 汇兑损益
statement of gains and losses 损益表
Extraordinary Gains and Losses 非常损益
reporting exchange gains and losses 汇兑损益的报告 ; 汇付损益的陈诉 ; 汇兑损益列计
unrealized gains and losses 未变现收益及亏损 ; 未实现的收益和损失
This will not only signify a significant implication in terms of analysising the developments and trends of contemporary art concepts, but will also be helpful to understand and take advantage of contemporary Chinese artists’ "creative" values, gains and losses.
参考来源 - 意大利“贫穷艺术”与日本“物派”比较研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It would be very wise for an animal to weigh gains and losses from an evolutionary perspective.
We found activity in other brain regions also — in a brain region associated with calculating gains and losses.
European stocks fluctuated between gains and losses as a resurgence in takeover activity offset declines in auto-industry shares.