gamma function 函数 ; 伽玛函数 ; 伽马函数 ; 珈玛函数
incomplete gamma function 不完全函数 ; 不完全伽玛函数 ; 不完全伽马函数 ; 伽马函数
Gamma-function distribution 伽玛函数分布
Lower Incomplete Gamma Function 低阶不完整伽玛函数
G Gamma Function 珈玛函数
non-complete gamma function 不完全γ函数
gamma function on local fields 局部域上的Γ函数
Gamma function and Beta function 函数与Beta函数
N a function defined by Γ(x) = ʃ0 ∞ t 1edt, where x is real and greater than zero 伽玛函数 [maths]
The monotonicity and logarithmically complete monotonicity properties for the Gamma function are obtained.
There is a emending circuit for GAMMA in internal circuit of LCD TV, the circuit has the function of looking for data.
Gamma Correction Function: in recent years, there have been many cases where images shot with a camera have a special gamma setting.