... 气体刻蚀技术充气的 gas filled cable 充气整流器 gas filled tube 充气管 gas filter correlation ...
gas-filled tube rectifier 离子整流器 ; 充气管整流器 ; 充气整流管
gas-filled tube [电子] 充气管 ; 充气阀
gas-filled tube arrester 充气避雷器
cold-cathode gas-filled tube [电子] 冷阴极充气管
gaseous rectifier gas-filled tube rectifier 充气管整流器
mercury cathode gas-filled tube [电子] 汞阴极充气管
gas filled switching tube 充气开关管
gas-filled tube courter 充气避雷器
He had a tube with electrodes potted in it filled with atomic hydrogen. And by applying a voltage, he was able to get the gas to glow.
This is commonly a xenon lamp, in which electricity is arced through a tube filled with the gas.
A spark discharge between two electrodes produces an "ionised gas tube" in the xenon gas-filled lamp piston through which electric current flows which in turn causes the gas to light up.