物理学家注意到,量子电动力学 QED 的规范理论(gauge theory)在计及电荷间相互 作用时取得了巨大的成功。例如,量子电动力学方 法成功地处理了氢原子谱的兰姆移动和电子的反常 磁矩。
这些粒子现时以一个 SU(2) 测量仪理论(Gauge theory)来精确描述,但理论中玻色子必定无质量。譬如,光子无质量是因为电磁力能以一个 U(1) 测量仪理论解释。
lattice gauge theory 点阵规范理论 ; 晶格规范理论
non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论
abelian gauge theory abel规范理论
yang-mills gauge theory 研究凝聚原子核的力的精深理论 ; 杨一米尔斯规范论
chern simons gauge theory 紊规范理论 ; 陈
u gauge theory u规范理论
tie gauge theory 领带指标理论
abel gauge theory abel规范理论
以上来源于: WordNet
N a type of theory of elementary particles designed to explain the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions in terms of exchange of virtual particles 规范理论 [physics]
The internal energy per plaquette in SU(2) lattice gauge theory is worked out.
求出了正切作用量的四维 SU_(2)格点规范理论的元格内能。
MeV, it will be a serious test for the minimal SU(5) grand unified gauge theory.
The basic idea of the quantum theory of field and gauge theory is introduced and it's importance in particle physics is explained.