GC-IR 气相色谱 ; 红外光谱 ; 红外光谱法 ; 红联用
gc-ir-ms分析 gc-ir-ms analysis
Carbon-isotope-GC-IR-Mass 单体碳同位素色谱
GC IR technique 气相色谱
The old GC IR MS didn't operate continuously because its fault of ion source high voltage discharge took place frequently.
旧的GC IR MS单体碳同位素比值色谱质谱仪离子源高压放电故障频频发生,以致仪器不能正常工作。
This paper confirmed the complete match in glass capillary column GC of wide bore SCOT and FT-IR interface of long light pipe.
Composition of static flocking adhesive analysized by using the methods of Chemical, pyrolysis GC, IR and MS.