GE基础设施能源 包括能源,GECAS在全球共设有26个办事处、广州等全国29个地区,参与了炼油石化,安防,消费者金融(GE Money),历史可以追溯到19世纪末期,尤其是新兴市场的大型客户展开合作,是当时在中国最活跃,产品包括GE和CFM国际公司(GE与法国斯奈克...
...双卡坏帐拖累,被主管机关要求增资以健全财务体质,公司引入美国私募 基金SAC Private Capital Group及美商奇异消费金融(GE Money)挹注万泰银共9亿美元新资金.
以上来源于: WordNet
This is a nexus of private-equity and hedge funds, money-market funds and auction-rate securities, non-banks such as GE Capital and new securities such as CDOs and credit-default swaps.
The business model at GE Capital was built on the foundation of an AAA credit rating that gave the division access to huge amounts of cheap money through the commercial paper market.
The white is ugly to move head a way: "If is the human of autumnal winds Ge, such an chance to sell to want money so much toward me, where meeting a speak hair no?"