... 澳大利亚国立望远镜(ATNT, Australia Telescope National) 大型双子望远镜(Gemini Telescope) 天鹅X射线天文卫星(Hakucho) ...
双子望远镜(Gemini Telescope)是以美国为主的一项国际设备(其中,美国占50%,英国占25%,加拿大占15%,智利占5%,阿根廷占2.5%,巴西占2.5%),由美国大学...
...cs and Space Administration)的钱德拉X射线太空望远镜(Chandra X-ray Observatory)以及夏威夷的双子星望远镜(Gemini telescope)的观测数据,天文学家发现了迄今为止能观测到的最 大黑洞。
...Pei Ma)领导的团队透过「哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope),以及位于夏威夷的「北双子望远镜(Gemini Telescope),在2亿光年超级稀疏区域发现一个新黑洞,质量是太阳的170亿倍。
N either of two identical 8-metre telescopes for optical and near-infrared observations built by an international consortium. Gemini North is in Hawaii at an altitude of 4200 m on Mauna Kea and Gemini South is in Chile at 2715 m on Cerro Pachón 双子座望远镜; 包括南双子座及北双子座两架相同结构的望远镜
It's virtually certain that the twin Keck Telescopes, the Gemini telescope and the Subaru telescope, all of which are among the most powerful on Earth, will survive.
The beautiful hourglass-shaped nebula Sharpless 2-106 shines with brilliant colors in this new image from the Gemini North telescope.
在这张双子座北座望远镜拍摄的新照片中,壮丽的沙漏状星云Sharpless 2 - 106闪烁着明艳的色彩。
The work by the international team combined data collected using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope with observations taken by the 8-meter Gemini South telescope in Chile.