... general office 总务处... General Officer Commanding 总指挥官... general operating expense 一般业务费用...
General Officer Commanding Royal Marines 英国皇家海军总指挥
以上来源于: WordNet
Aircraft were so precious that the incident brought on a confrontation between General George Kenny, commanding officer of the Fifth Air Force, and the volatile Whitehead.
The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record.
General Sir Richard Dannatt, the head of the army, last night led tributes to the Welsh Guards commander, describing him as an "outstanding commanding officer at the leading edge of his generation."
英军最高指挥官,陆军上将Richard Dannatt爵士,在昨晚向这位威尔士近卫团指挥官致悼辞时形容他为“在同辈中位居前列的杰出指挥官。”