但是现在他的一帮弟子们,从八十年代初开始的生成语义学派(generative semantics) ,到现在的认知语言学派(cognitive semantics & conceptual semantics)都把老乔对
... 关系语法学派(Relation Grammar)衍生语法学派(Generative Grammar) 衍生语意学派(Generative Semantics) 语言学是否提供B.A.、B.S.? ...
以上来源于: WordNet
N a school of semantic theory based on the doctrine that syntactic and semantic structure are of the same formal nature and that there is a single system of rules that relates surface structure to meaning 生成语义学 → compare interpretive semantics
While Generative Semantics is no longer regarded as a viable grammatical model, it is important in a number of ways.
This paper compares generative grammar and cognitive grammar from four aspects: philosophical basis universal view of language research methodology and the status of semantics.
This paper compares generative grammar and cognitive grammar from four aspects: philosophical basis, universal view of language, research methodology and the status of semantics.