电力系统迭代学习励磁控制器设计-工控技术中心-西部工控网 关键词 :电力系统;迭代学习控制;发电机励磁控制 [gap=778]Key words : power system; iterative learning control; generator excitation controller
Simulation results show that nonlinear state PI SVC controller cooperating with the excitation system of generator can improve dynamic stability of power system effectively.
A wide-area damping controller is researched to improve damping and dynamic stability of interconnected power grids, and a wide-area control algorithm of generator excitation system is proposed.
The scene CAN bus communication and its application to excitation system of synchronous generator was introduced, and the use of SBC AT89C52 and controller SJA1000 to realize junction communication.
介绍了现场CAN总线通讯以及在同步发电机励磁控制系统中的运用,并具体给出了利用AT 89 C 52单片机和CAN控制器s JA 1000实现CAN接点通信的方法。