...合术语,只是第七巡回法院更进一步,它解释当形容词是一类商品的通用名称的一部分时,形容词为何也能成为通用术语(generic term)?比如light和它的同音词lite,当它们指代啤酒时,均是通用术语,因为light beer(淡啤酒)是一类啤酒的通用名称。
...则也同样认为,描述性的(Descriptive )、地理名称(Geographic)、的商标,个人名称(Personal Name)以及 通用名称 ( generic term )是不具有先天识别性的。
a generic term 不注册的术语
generic term memory card 通用词存储
the generic term of taste 滋味术语
Parmesan is a generic term used to describe a family of hard Italian cheeses.
'Vine fruit' is the generic term for currants and raisins.
vine fruit是有核和无核葡萄干的通称。
An Estate is a very generic term, you'll agree.
The Hebrew word that designates the creature created by God is ; the word adam. It's actually not a proper name, small a; it is adam, it's a generic term.
So wherever you see '"LORD" in small caps, that's actually the English translation for Yahweh, the proper name, like almost a personal name for God. And then in other places we have this word Elohim, which actually is the word for "gods," a sort of generic term for deities in the plural.