近年来,揭示了一种新的遗传现象,即基因组印记(genomic imprinting),亦称遗传印记(genetic imprinting),是指来自双亲的基因或染色体存在着功能上的差异,因而子女来自父方与来自母方的基因表达可以不同..
基因组印迹(genomic imprinting)又称遗传印迹(genetic imprinting),是不符合孟德尔遗传定律的特殊遗传现象,单等位基因表达亲本的遗传信息。
...ssion • Consanguineous marriage (近亲婚配): couple with common one or more ancestor • Genetic imprinting(基因印记): a gene expression depends on whether the allele has been inherited from the father or from the mother • Anticipation(...
genetic imprinting gene 遗传印记基因
genetic imprinting disease 基因组印记病
genetic imprinting detail 遗传印记
effect of genetic imprinting 遗传印记效应
Genetic imprinting gene PEG 10 遗传印记基因PEG
Objective: CTCF is a multifunctional transcription factor, which plays many roles in promoter regulation, insulator function and genetic imprinting.
However, what science told us back in 1984 was that human females certainly could never have a natural virgin birth, because of a genetic barrier in mammals called imprinting.
Conclusion Parental specific expression exists in the transmission of tic disorder, which gives evidence that genomic imprinting may be involved in the genetic mechanism of tic disorder.