[ 复数 gentries ]
关键词】 英国史 都铎史 贵族 乡绅 约曼 [gap=6822]Key Words:History of England,History of Tudor,Aristocracy,Gentry ,Yeomen.
PIERCE GENTRY 皮尔世绅 ; 皵涓栫粎 ; 皮尔世坤 ; 好乐买皮尔世绅
Alvin Gentry 金特里 ; 总教练甘特利 ; 金特利 ; 阿尔文·金特里
Gentry Underwood 昂德伍德
Gentry Lee 李 ; 金特里·李 ; 与简崔 ; 名称
Sorrow of the Gentry 朱门怨 ; 年朱门怨
Jacob Gentry 詹特利 ; 客户专员
Craig Gentry 克雷格·金特里 ; 詹特瑞 ; 克雷格·金特瑞
Village Gentry 乡村名流
William A Gentry 威廉姆A金特瑞
Gentry was agroup who helped the emperor to realize edification.
参考来源 - 清前期社会教化研究Changes in the Tang Dynasty in Shandong gentry by various factors,civil service exam is a very important point.
参考来源 - 唐代科举考试中的山东名门望族The formation and rise of the gentry is an important content and represent of the transition of England society from an ancient feudal one to an early modern counterpart.
参考来源 - 12~16世纪英国乡绅阶层研究This provided premise to the formation of the party in early-stage China. Secondly, as the old govern core of grass-route society, the disintegrate of gentry made the emerge of party in early-stage which on behalf of groups.
参考来源 - 政党与基层社会Burke was conservative in conventional constitutional government in Britain, which came out of the traditional society, consisted of monarch, clerical and secular aristocracy, gentry, and civilians.
参考来源 - 埃德蒙·柏克的宪政思想研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N persons of high birth or social standing; aristocracy 贵族