...d Manufacturing Partnership)] [植入式医疗设备] [赛勒斯·瓦迪亚(Cyrus Wadia)] [格布兰德·希德这样说(Gerbrand Ceder)] [亚历山大·金(Alexander King)] [爱姆斯国家实验室(Ames National Laboratory)] [纳米分子墨水] [克里斯丁·费斯特斯(...
就在今年3月初,美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的教授格布兰德·西德(Gerbrand Ceder)和它领导的小组在《自然》(Nature)杂志上公布,它们发明了一种薪材料,为锂离子提供了一条更便捷的通道,使其充电速度比过去提...
"Thermoelectrics is a pure materials field," said Gerbrand Ceder, an MIT materials scientist who is not associated with Phononic Devices.
“热电是一个纯粹的材料领域,”麻省理工学院材料科学家、与Phononic Devices公司并无关联的赫布兰德·塞德尔说道。
Gerbrand Ceder and Byoungwoo Kang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hope to change this, and thus help make the electric car a work-a-day consumer item, rather than a high-end boy’s toy.
麻省理工学院的Gerbrand Ceder和Byoungwoo Kang 希望改变这一现状,使电动车成为可以全天使用的消费品而不是高端的孩子玩具。
Gerbrand Ceder and Byoungwoo Kang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hope to change this, and thus help make the electric car a work-a-day consumer item, rather than a high-end boy's toy.
麻省理工学院的Dr Ceder和Mr Kang想改变这一点,由此帮助把电动汽车变成一个普通消费品,而不仅是一个奢侈的玩具。