We better get going 最好立刻就走 ; 最好马上就 ; 最好立时就走
get going 开始 ; 动手 ; 赶快 ; 开始工作
Tough Get Going 越挫越勇
Just get going 立即开始项目运作
Let's get going 让我们出发吧 ; 我们开始吧
Time To Get Going 时间得走 ; 时间到出发 ; 要走了
get going with goals 走与目标 ; 获得与目标
better get going 最好现在去 ; 我们最好还是出发吧
We'd better get going 最好马上就走
It turns out, and we're going to get the idea of shielding, so it's not going to actually +18 feel that full plus 18, but it'll feel a whole lot more than it will just feel in terms of a hydrogen atom where we only have a nuclear charge of one.