... as s well as 除…之外 get t to the road 到达公路 call l out to sb. 对某人大声的叫喊 ...
get t to the road
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
After a relatively quiet 2008, the band say they can't wait to get back out on the road when the third album comes out in the New Year.
BBC: Newsbeat - Music - Kasabian raring for Oasis tour
Was there an effort here to avoid being overly optimistic so that you didn't get burned politically down the road?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing
"I don't think the road will be perfect, but I think I can get it as close to perfect as possible, " she said.
CNN: Will of the Williams: Venus vows to rise again after illness