载玻片 carry sheet glass; glass slide; glass-slide; ground slide; microscope slide; m ..
glass slide 载玻片 ; 玻璃载片
prepared and glass slide 标本切片和盖玻片 ; 载玻片
Plain-glass slide 平板式 ; 帄板式
Glass Slide Based Arrays 玻璃板子芯片
glass slide hybridization 玻片杂交
red glass slide 红色玻璃滑片
RNA glass slide hybridization RNA芯片杂交
The slide of the large armored glass windows is activated by some high power engines.
Microscopy-based detection of malaria is possible by taking a pinprick from a patient, smearing their blood onto a treated glass slide, and examining it under a microscope.
'you basically let the crystal fall on something, black or dark-colored, and then you have to pick it up with a toothpick or brush and put it on a glass slide,' Libbrecht said.