03 中文名称: 建筑玻璃 装配规定 玻璃装配系统和装配要求 英文名称: Glass in building - Glazing requirements - Assembly rules 页数: 8 采用标准: DIN EN 12488 (2003-09), E
标准中文名: 建筑物用玻璃.玻璃闪光和空气中声音的隔绝.产品描述和性能的测定 标准英文名: Glass in building - Glazing and airborne sound insulation - Product descriptions and determinatio
01 中文名称: 建筑物玻璃 热辐射系数的测定 英文名称: Glass in building - Determination of the emissivity 页数: 8 采用标准: DIN EN 12898 (2001-04), EQV*BS
...中文名称: 建筑用玻璃.石灰氧化钠玻璃制基本产品.第7部分:带和不带金属丝夹层的断面结构玻璃 英文名称: Glass in Building - Basic soda lime silicate glass products - Part 7: Wired or unwired channel sh..
Glass in building - Pendulum test - Impact test method and classification for flat glass.
Anyway, the art of making stained glass windows developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, and was closely related to church building.
A LARGE plaque in the foyer of Boston's Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA), a museum housed in a dramatic glass and metal building on the harbour's edge, identifies its most generous patrons.
波士顿当代艺术学院[Bostons Institute for Contemporary Art (ICA)]是一座位于港口边上的博物馆,令人印象深刻的是,这是一座由琉璃和金属组成的建筑,在它的门厅有一个巨大的牌匾,上面记录着最慷慨的赞助人。