前言 高分子光纤(polymer optical fiber, POF) 与玻璃光纤(glass optical fiber)相比,POF 有较大之数值孔径、 成本较低廉、可挠性较佳、耐振性佳以及容易耦合等优势。
multicomponent glass optical fiber 多组分玻璃光纤 ; 多元玻璃光学纤维
compound-glass optical fiber 复合玻璃光纤
Sheath-core type glass optical fiber 皮芯型玻璃光导纤维
Refraction attenuated glass optical fiber 渐变型玻璃光导纤维
doped fluoride glass optical fiber 掺杂氟化物玻璃光纤
chalcogenide glass optical fiber 硫系玻璃光纤
glass optical fiber polarizer 玻璃光纤起偏器
fluoride glass optical fiber 氟化物玻璃光纤
In 197o, researchers at Corning Glass Works were able to produce a kilometer-long ultrapure optical fiber.
Optical fiber (fiber Optics) - an extremely fine glass fiber able to carry much greater amounts of information than copper wire carrying electric signals.
The optical fiber is short for an optical waveguide fiber, and is a light transmission tool adopting the principle of total reflection of light in fibers made of glass or plastics.