所需化学品及设备: KNO 3 (s), 过滤纸(filter paper), 毛笔, 烧杯(beaker), 玻璃棒(glass rod), 刮匙 (spatula), 拜神用的香, 火柴 步骤: 1.
glass-rod thermometer 玻璃棒形温度计
boron glass rod 硼玻璃棒
doped glass rod 掺杂玻璃棒
fine glass rod 细玻棒
Low-Class Glass Rod 破裂的琥珀魔杖
high index glass rod 高指数玻璃棒
glass-rod phenomenon 玻璃棒现象
positive glass-rod phenomenon 阳性玻璃棒现象
Glass rod grinding can improve the concentration of protein;
Finally he bought a pint of pure glycerine and a glass rod a foot long.
You shake the unit to distribute the filing evenly, with the help of a glass rod that's sealed inside.
里面有玻璃 棒可帮助你在摇晃时使铁粉均匀的散布。