Other prominent NGOmembersofUSCAPinclude the NatureConservancy, the PewCenteron GlobalClimateChange, the NaturalResourcesDefense Councilandthe World Resources Institute.
To analyse the new material, researchers at the University of Queensland's GlobalChangeInstitute are using image recognition software to identify the creatures recorded in the photographs, and 3D-modelling programmes to monitor how the habitats change over time.
In a recent study, the U.S. Joint Global Climate Change Research Institute, which is located at the University of Maryland, projected the impact of climate change on agricultural yields in Huang-Hai Plain, which is one of the most productive agricultural regions of China.
These are among the insights to emerge from a Casey Institute Symposium entitled "The Implications Of The Global Climate Change Treaty For The U.S. Economy, Sovereignty and National Security" held in New York City on 19 November 1997.