定义 中文名称: 全球气候系统 英文名称: global climate system 定义: 决定整个地球气候的形成、分布、特征和变化有直接和间接影响的多个环节组成的子系统,包括大气、海洋、陆面、冰雪及生物圈等。 应用学科: 大气科学(一
Global Climate Observing System 全球气候观测系统 ; 观测系统 ; 全球大气观测系统 ; 气候观测系统
Global Climate Observation System 全球气候观测系统
global climate observational system 全球气候观测系统
GCOS Global Climate Observing System 全球气候观测系统
In addition to the internal variability of the global climate system itself, there is the added factor of external influences, such as volcanoes and solar activity.
We also know that the global climate system is immensely complicated and that everything is in some way connected, and so the system is capable of fluctuating in unexpected ways.
Clouds play an important role in the global climate system.