global mindset(全球观): a global mindset helps leaders see the world from multiple perspectives, make decisions that work both locally and glo...
Development of a global mindset 培养全球化思维方式
Najafi Global Mindset Institute 全球心智研究所
Global Mindset Index 全球心态指标
The importance of global Mindset 全球思维的重要性
Global Shift Of Mindset 全球理念的转变
Global Leadership Mindset 全球领导力思维
Great companies have a global mindset. They treat every person in the world as a potential customer/user.
Despite your current location, however, you can cultivate a more global mindset, usually without spending much money.
The Thunderbird School of global Management in Arizona also plans to use the research to help determine what constitutes the neuroscience pattern of a global mindset.