metal-ceramic ag-glomerate 金属陶瓷烧结制品
glomerate mouse-ear chickweed herb 婆波指甲菜
glomerate photinia 球花石楠
glomerate onion 头花韭
glomerate viburnum 球花荚蒾
mudstone glomerate 泥岩团块
glomerate galingale 球形莎草
metal-ceramicag-glomerate 金属陶瓷烧结制品
ADJ gathered into a compact rounded mass 聚成球形的
Inflorescence an open, contracted, spiciform or glomerate panicle, very rarely of racemes on a central axis.
By increasing the weld heat input, the distribution of martensite becomes more dispersive and glomerate due to the molten pool stiring, the welding stress and the burning loss of alloy elements.