[ 复数 glooms 第三人称单数 glooms 现在分词 glooming 过去式 gloomed 过去分词 gloomed ]
Gloom Beacon 幽冥灯塔
Ruby Gloom 露比的怪诞城 ; 芝加哥蓝调
doom and gloom 失望与不快 ; 凄惨 ; 和悲观 ; 黯淡的前景
June Gloom 六月阴霾 ; 唱片名
gloom day 黑暗的一天 ; 天忧郁 ; 阴霾天
Alone in the Gloom 幽暗独行 ; 独自在幽暗
N-SING The gloom is a state of near darkness. 昏暗
...the gloom of a foggy November morning.
N-UNCOUNT Gloom is a feeling of sadness and lack of hope. 忧郁
...the deepening gloom over the economy.