同义词: oversupply surfeit
同义词: gorge ingurgitate overindulge englut stuff engorge overgorge overeat gormandize gormandise gourmandize binge pig out satiate scarf out
同义词: flood oversupply
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT If there is a glut of something, there is so much of it that it cannot all be sold or used. 供应过剩 [usu sing, usu with supp]
Exports have become increasingly important to wineries as they battle a global wine glut.
出口对于各葡萄酒厂来说已变得日益重要, 因为他们得应对全球性的葡萄酒供应过剩问题。
V-T If a market is glutted with something, there is a glut of that thing. 供过于求 [商业]
The region is glutted with hospitals.