I was out with my friend to go see another area that was flooded when we came across this and both of us screamed with delight.
There are other things horribly wrong with this article, but this one point stood out because, as fallacies go, it tends to propagate wide and far.
The reason I want to point this out to you is, if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.
The reason I want to point this out to you is, if we go back up to the kinds of data objects we started with, floats, ints, strings, they actually behave the same way.
And this happens right before you're about to go out to lunch with some friends.
So the concept of an absolute zero, a temperature below which you just can't go, that's directly out of the scheme here, this linear interpolation scheme with these two reference points.