What's the point in producing an engine that's big and powerful enough to go like 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100?
What's the point in producing an engine that is big and powerful enough to go like 200 kilometers an hour when the speed limit is only 100?
Even if you plan on having an open discussion, it's usually better to go in armed with a point of view.
So, actually I want you to go ahead in your notes and circle that zero point and write "not a node."
In my days, they would say, "Find out when you want an object to go through that point."
But at the end of the day, the point of the slides is not to expect you to now go write programs in C but really to just remind you that, hey, if you ever get distracted from some of the minutia that is the semicolons, parentheses, and what is very new to many of you, it's really no different than the fun and games we implemented with Scratch last week.