Good Samaritan law 好撒马利亚人法 ; 好撒玛利亚人法 ; 善良的撒玛利亚人法
Good Samaritan Laws 善良的撒玛利亚人法
Parable of the Good Samaritan 好撒马利亚人
The Good Samaritan 乐善好施者 ; 心地慈善者 ; 好萨玛利亚人
Good Samaritan statutes 善人法规 ; 好撒玛丽亚人法
Good Samaritan Home 仁爱之家
Herein of the Good Samaritan 行善的人
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital 利亚医院
Good Samaritan Act 好撒马利亚人法
Good samaritan rule 好撒马利亚人法
A good Samaritan offered us a room in his house.
Residents are hunting for the good Samaritan behind a series of incidents, so they can thank him or her for the continuous donation.
Two good Samaritan fishing vessels eventually recovered four other men-also with no vital signs.