好问题,坏问题 ( Good and Bad Questions ) 最后,我举一些例子来说明,怎样聪明的提问;同一个问题的两种问法被放在一起,一种是愚蠢的,另一种才是明智的。
I've found the best way of minimizing these types of leading questions is to read a set of good and bad examples before an interview session. Examples might include.
Dennis also listed essay questions that asked what good or bad qualities students might have and whether those would help or hurt in trading.
The farmers asked me a lot of questions about Sweden and I answered them as good as I could in my bad Mandarin.
Questions of good and bad, virtue and vice, appear on virtually every page of The Prince.
So for an example, he argued that the prison system needs to be reformed because instead of focusing on notions of justice and retribution what we should do is focus instead on questions of reinforcing good behaviors and punishing bad ones.