...、渐进残差均方和平方根(root meansquare error of approximation,RMSEA)、良适性适配指标(goodness-of-fit index,GFI)、调整后适配度指数(adjusted goodness-of-fit index ,AGFI)、简约适配指数(parsimony goodness-of-fi..
goodness of fit index 度指数 ; 度指标 ; 模式整体的适合度指数
adjusted goodness of fit index 调整后配适度指标 ; 调整后适配度指数 ; 优度指数
Adjust Goodness-of-Fit Index 和调整的拟合优度指数 ; 修正拟合优度指数
Adiusted Goodness of Fit Index 调整拟合优度指数
adjusted goodness-of-fit index 调整后适配度指数
Test of goodness of fit proved that when the index of aphid degree was less than 80 and the samples were more than 100, the quantity estimation accuracy was as high as 90%.
This model has been confirmed by Confirmatory Factory Analysis, and the goodness of fit index is fairly good.