Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla 西部低地大猩猩 ; 大猩猩 ; 物种西部低地大猩猩
Gorilla gorilla diehli 克罗斯河大猩猩
Gorilla gorilla 大猩猩 ; 亚洲辅助
A gorilla got hold of a Nintendo DS games console that a young zoo visitor accidentally dropped into the gorilla enclosure, the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday.
Bringing it back to Europe with him, he introduced the world to a new species of ape: the mountain gorilla (gorilla gorilla Beringe, in Beringe's honor).
Here are 14 pieces of advice and training tips from a 166 cm short man, with negative gorilla index and a 193 cm tall guy with positive gorilla index.