Once issued, government bond starts circulating in the market as an important financial means. It has developed into an important segment in the money market, which is what we call the government bond market.
参考来源 - 试论我国国债市场的发展与完善·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
China's specter has also been hovering over the U. S. government bond market, where it is the second-largest foreign investor after Japan.
The graphic representation of the various interest rates at the various tenors of a particular government bond market gives a snapshot of interest rate expectations over time.
The euro crisis has spread to Italy, the world’s third-largest bond market, which means the stock of rich-world government debt that is considered safe has shrunk dramatically.
欧元区危机已蔓延到意大利,这里有世界第三大的债券市场。 这意味着,之前持有认为相对安全的发达国家的国债,已经大幅缩水了。
So there's not a lot of room in the government bond market or other high-quality bond markets to generate excess returns.