怡园酒庄(Grace Vineyard)位于山西太原以南40千米的太谷县,四季分明,日照强烈,雨水少,昼夜温差大,自然条件与法国波尔多勃艮第相似,是种植酿酒葡萄的...
... Vineyard Dance 葡萄园之舞 ; 蒲萄园之舞 ; 葡萄园及舞 Grace Vineyard 怡园酒庄 ; 怡园 Red Vineyard 红色葡萄园 ...
Grace Vineyard Deep Blue 怡园深蓝葡萄酒 ; 怡园深蓝干红葡萄酒 ; 怡园酒庄深蓝干红
Grace Vineyard Premium Chardonnay 怡园精选干白葡萄酒
Grace Vineyard Premium Cabernet Merlot 怡园精选干红葡萄酒
GRACE VINEYARD Rose 怡园桃红 ; 怡园酒庄桃红葡萄酒
Grace Vineyard Premium Cabern 怡园精选干红葡萄酒
Grace Vineyard Deep Blue 2006 怡园酒庄的深蓝
Grace Vineyard Chardonnay 推荐酒款怡园霞多丽干白葡萄酒
Grace Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 怡园赤霞珠干红葡萄酒
On the dinner the new 2008 vintage of the Summit by Silver Heights and 2008 Chairman's Reserve by Grace Vineyard will be served with exclusive cuisines particularly prepared by China Grill.
Come and join us to taste wines from the two legendary wineries from China, the Grace Vineyard from Taigu County of Shanxi Province, and the Silver Heights on Helan Mountain of Ningxia Province.
BB: I understand demand for Grace wines is growing faster than what the vineyard can produce, so grapes are being brought in from outside.